About Enterprise GIS

Enterprise GIS is part of Enterprise Systems, a unit within the Division of Information Technology. Our group provides services and support for geospatial data and GIS technologies at Virginia Tech.
In addition to providing data hosting and storage, we facilitate access to GIS tools, technologies, and expertise through training and consulting. The services we offer include:
- Training for researchers, instructors, and administrative groups
- Consultations about GIS software, mapping applications, and other topics
- Hosting geospatial data and applications for academic and administrative departments
- Geospatial data storage for academic and administrative departments
- ArcGIS online account maintenance for students, employees, and academic departments.
Through these services, we aim to create efficiencies of scale and cost savings for the university by leveraging the latest GIS technologies as well as the expertise of the IT professionals who manage the university's computing and networking functions on a daily basis.
Enterprise GIS personnel
Meet our team members:
- Seth Peery, Senior GIS Architect
- Luke Ward, Technology Manager
- Richard Phipps, Systems Administrator
Mission Statement
The Enterprise GIS group aims to facilitate economies of scale and lower barriers to the integration of Geospatial Information Systems into teaching, research, engagement and administrative operations by supporting the geospatial computing, storage, and software needs of the university and its partners.
Our Vision
The Enterprise GIS Group will achieve measurable benefits through:
- Accelerated Research: through continuing implementation of state-of-the-art geospatial technologies and the provision of a highly accessible base map in a variety of formats
- Enrichment of Education: through the pervasive integration of seamless mapping and visualization tools into curricula
- Knowledge Transfer: through dissemination of research results, best practices, and rigorous analysis of geospatial data to university researchers and our partners in a visually comprehensive format
- Streamlined Processes: by reducing spatial data duplication and increasing efficient, timely access to current maps and data for internal administrative operations
- Enhanced Security: by creating innovative, replicable benefits for communities by utilization of the most current geospatial data, tools, and analysis available for public safety and security interests
Contact Us
To request a consultation or other service from Enterprise GIS, please submit a request through the IT Service Catalog. For general questions, please contact us via email at egis@vt.edu.